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Worrell, Ernst, Nathan C Martin, Norma Anglani, Dan Einstein, Marta Khrushch, and Lynn K Price."Opportunities to improve energy efficiency in the U.S. pulp and paper industry."Paper Machine Technology, Relating Processing to Paper and Board Properties 29 (2001).
Worrell, Ernst, Lynn K Price, and Michael Ruth."Policy modeling for energy efficiency Improvement in US industry."Annual Reviews of Energy and the Environment 26 (2001).


Murtishaw, Scott, Leon J Schipper, and Fridtjof Unander."The Mine/Yours method of international comparisons of carbon emissions."2000 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 29 (2000).
Brown, Sandra, Omar Masera, and Jayant A Sathaye."Project-based activities."Land Use, Land-Use Change And Forestry 8 (2000).
Price, Lynn K, Ernst Worrell, Nathan C Martin, Bryan Lehman, and Jonathan E Sinton."China's industrial sector in an international context."Paper Machine Technology, Relating Processing to Paper and Board Properties 29 (2000).
Price, Lynn K, and Ernst Worrell."International industrial sector energy efficiency policies."Paper Machine Technology, Relating Processing to Paper and Board Properties 29 (2000).


Martin, Nathan C, Ernst Worrell, and Lynn K Price."Energy efficiency and carbon dioxide emissions reduction opportunities in the U.S. cement industry."Potentials for energy efficiency improvement in the US cement industry 25 (1999).