Publications by Research Area
X Author: Brian M Fronk
Jacob, Tabeel A, and Brian M Fronk."In-Tube condensation of zeotropic refrigerant R454C from superheated vapor to subcooled liquid."Science and Technology for the Built Environment
26.9 (2020) 1177 - 1190. DOI
Jacob, Tabeel A, Ethan P Matty, and Brian M Fronk."Comparison of R404A condensation heat transfer and pressure drop with low global warming potential replacement candidates R448A and R452A."International Journal of Refrigeration
116 (2020) 9 - 22. DOI
Jacob, Tabeel A, Ethan P Matty, and Brian M Fronk."Experimental investigation of in-tube condensation of low GWP refrigerant R450A using a fiber optic distributed temperature sensor."International Journal of Refrigeration
103 (2019) 274 - 286. DOI
Vanderputten, Michael A, Tabeel A Jacob, Maria Sattar, Nouman Ali, and Brian M Fronk."Two-phase flow regimes of condensing R-134a at low mass flux in rectangular microchannels."International Journal of Refrigeration
84 (2017) 92 - 103. DOI