Publications by Research Area
X Author: Lingbo Kong
Kong, Lingbo, Ali Hasanbeigi, Lynn K Price, and Huanbin Liu."Energy conservation and CO2 mitigation potentials in the Chinese pulp and paper industry."Resource, Conservation and Recycling
117.Part A (2017) 74-84. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Lynn K Price, Lingbo Kong, and Marlene Arens."Emerging Energy-Efficiency and CO2 Emissions-Reduction Technologies for Industry: A Review of Technologies for Alternative Ironmaking and Pulp and Paper Industry."2013 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Kong, Lingbo, Lynn K Price, Ali Hasanbeigi, Huanbin Liu, and Jigeng Li."Potential for reducing paper mill energy use and carbon dioxide emissions through plant-wide energy audits: A case study in China."Applied Energy
102 (2013).
Kong, Lingbo, Ali Hasanbeigi, Lynn K Price, and Huanbin Liu."Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Pulp and Paper Industry in China."