Publications by Research Area
X Author: Lynn K Price
Khanna, Nina, Nan Zhou, and Lynn K Price."Getting to Net Zero- China Report : Pathways Toward Carbon Neutrality A Review of Recent Studies on Mid-Century Emissions Transition Scenarios For China."
Dai, Fan, Fredrich Kahrl, Jessica Gordon, Jennifer Perron, Yuqing Zhu, Rawley Loken, Amber Mahone, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, and Lynn K Price."Getting to Net Zero - U.S.-China Framework And Milestones For Carbon Neutrality."
Zhou, Nan, Hongyou Lu, Nina Khanna, Xu Liu, David Fridley, Lynn K Price, Wei Feng, Jiang Lin, Carolyn Szum, and Chao Ding."China Energy Outlook: Understanding China’s Energy and Emissions Trends."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, and Amol A Phadke."China and India: Energy Service and Related Material Demand Projections."38th International Energy Workshop
Zhou, Nan, Lynn K Price, Dai Yande, Jon Creyts, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Wei Feng, Xu Liu, Ali Hasanbeigi, Zhiyu Tian, Hongwei Yang, Quan Bai, Yuezhong Zhu, Huawen Xiong, Jianguo Zhang, Kate Chrisman, Josh Agenbroad, Yi Ke, Robert McIntosh, David Mullaney, Clay Stranger, Eric Wanless, Daniel Wetzel, Cyril Yee, and Ellen Franconi."A roadmap for China to peak carbon dioxide emissions and achieve a 20% share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy by 2030."Applied Energy
239 (2019) 793 - 819. DOI
Lin, Jiang, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Lynn K Price, and Nan Zhou."Has coal use peaked in China: Near-term trends in China's coal consumption."Energy Policy
123 (2018) 208 - 214. DOI
Price, Lynn K, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu, and Wei Feng."Reinventing Fire: China – the Role of Energy Efficiency in China’s Roadmap to 2050."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Rojas-Cardenas, Jose C, Ali Hasanbeigi, Claudia Sheinbaum, and Lynn K Price."Energy Efficiency in the Mexican Iron and Steel Industry from an International Perspective."Journal of Cleaner Production
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Nina Khanna, and Lynn K Price."Air Pollutant Emissions Projection for the Cement and Steel Industry in China and the Impact of Emissions Control Technologies."
Kong, Lingbo, Ali Hasanbeigi, Lynn K Price, and Huanbin Liu."Energy conservation and CO2 mitigation potentials in the Chinese pulp and paper industry."Resource, Conservation and Recycling
117.Part A (2017) 74-84. DOI
Shen, Bo, Yafeng Han, Lynn K Price, Hongyou Lu, and Manzhi Liu."Techno-Economic Evaluation of Strategies for Addressing Energy and Environmental Challenges of Industrial Boilers in China."Energy
118 (2017) 526 - 533. DOI
Xiong, Ling, Bo Shen, Shaozhou Qi, Lynn K Price, and Bin Ye."The Allowance Mechanism of China’s Carbon Trading Pilots: A Comparative Analysis with Schemes in EU and California."
Liu, Xu, Bo Shen, Lynn K Price, Hongyou Lu, and Ali Hasanbeigi."What China can learn from international policy experiences to improve industrial energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions?."
Zhang, Qi, Ali Hasanbeigi, Lynn K Price, Hongyou Lu, and Marlene Arens."A Bottom-up Energy Efficiency Improvement Roadmap for China’s Iron and Steel Industry up to 2050."
Khanna, Nina, David Fridley, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, and Stephanie Ohshita."Estimating China’s Urban Energy Demand and CO2 Emissions: A Bottom-up Modeling Perspective."2016 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Price, Lynn K, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Stephanie Ohshita, Nina Khanna, Hongyou Lu, Lixuan Hong, Gang He, John Romankiewicz, and Hu Min."Low-Carbon City Policy Databook."
Lu, Hongyou, Lynn K Price, and Qi Zhang."Capturing the invisible resource: Analysis of waste heat potential in Chinese industry."Applied Energy
161 (2016) 497 - 511. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Jose Carlos Rojas Cardenas, Lynn K Price, Ryan Triolo, and Marlene Arens."Comparison of Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions Intensity of the International Iron and Steel Industry: Case Studies from China, Germany, Mexico, and the United States."
(2016) 1-36.
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Lynn K Price, and Timm Zwickel."Understanding the Full Climate Change Impact of Energy Consumption and Mitigation at the End-Use Level: a Proposed Methodology for Allocating Indirect Carbon Dioxide Emissions."Applied Energy
159 (2015) 548-559. DOI
Lewis, Joanna I, David Fridley, Lynn K Price, Hongyou Lu, and John Romankiewicz."Understanding China's non-fossil energy targets."Science
350.6264 (2015) 1034 - 1036. DOI
Shen, Bo, Lynn K Price, Hongyou Lu, Xu Liu, Katherine Tsen, Wei Xiangyang, Zhang Yunpeng, Guan Jian, Hou Rui, Zhang Junfeng, Zhuo Yuqun, Xia Shumao, Han Yafeng, and Liu Manzhi."Curbing Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Industrial Boilers in China."
Ohshita, Stephanie, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, and Xu Liu."The Role of Chinese Cities in Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction."Briefing on Urban Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(2015) 21.
Ohshita, Stephanie, Lynn K Price, Nan Zhou, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, and Xu Liu."The Role of Chinese Cities in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction."
(2015) 19.
Shen, Bo, Lynn K Price, Xu Liu, Lu Meng, Wenjing Shi, Meredydd Evans, Volha Roshchanka, and Sha Yu."Expanding Energy Performance Contracting in China: Policy Solutions and Market Mechanisms."
(2015) 29.
Price, Lynn K, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Stephanie Ohshita, Gang He, Hu Min, Yong Zhou, and Lixuan Hong."Promoting Energy Efficiency as the First Fuel Through Enabling Local Government Action in China."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, June 1-6, 2015