Publications by Research Area
X Author: Robert W Dibble
Bedoya, Iván Dario, Samveg Saxena, Francisco J Cadavid, and Robert W Dibble."Numerical Analysis of Biogas Composition Effects on Combustion Parameters and Emissions in Biogas Fueled HCCI Engines for Power Generation."ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
135.7 (2013).
Saxena, Samveg, Stephen H Schneider, Salvador Aceves, and Robert W Dibble."Wet ethanol in HCCI engines with exhaust heat recovery to improve the energy balance of ethanol fuels."Applied Energy
98 (2012) 448-457. DOI
Rapp, Vi H, Anthony DeFilippo, Samveg Saxena, Jyh-Yuan Chen, Robert W Dibble, Atsushi Nishiyama, Ahsa Moon, and Yuji Ikeda."Extending Lean Operating Limit and Reducing Emissions of Methane Spark-Ignited Engines Using a Microwave-Assisted Spark Plug." Journal of Combustion
2012 (2012). DOI
Bedoya, Iván Dario, Francisco J Cadavid, Samveg Saxena, Robert W Dibble, Salvador Aceves, and Daniel Flowers."A Sequential Chemical Kinetics-CFD-Chemical Kinetics Methodology to Predict HCCI Combustion and Main Emissions."SAE 2012 World Congress & Exhibition, April 24, 2012
(2012). DOI
Saxena, Samveg, Jyh-Yuan Chen, and Robert W Dibble."Characterization of HCCI ringing behavior using ion sensors."
Bedoya, Iván Dario, Samveg Saxena, Francisco J Cadavid, Robert W Dibble, and Martin Wissink."Experimental evaluation of strategies to increase the operation range of a biogas HCCI engine for power generation."Applied Energy
97 (2011) 618-629. DOI
Bedoya, Iván Dario, Samveg Saxena, Francisco J Cadavid, Robert W Dibble, and Martin Wissink."Experimental study of biogas combustion characteristics and emissions in a HCCI engine for power generation."
1.53 (2011) 154-162.
DeFilippo, A, Samveg Saxena, Vi H Rapp, Jyh-Yuan Chen, and Robert W Dibble."Extending the lean flammability limit of gasoline using a microwave assisted sparkplug."
Saxena, Samveg, Jyh-Yuan Chen, and Robert W Dibble."Increasing the signal-to-noise ratio of sparkplug ion sensors through addition of a potassium acetate fuel additive."Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
33.2 (2011) 3081-3088. DOI
Saxena, Samveg, Jyh-Yuan Chen, and Robert W Dibble."Maximizing power output in an automotive scale multi-cylinder HCCI engine."SAE World Congress
(2011). DOI