Publications by Research Area
X Author: Sarah K Price
Letschert, Virginie E, Sarah K Price, Ambereen Shaffie, Won Young Park, Nihan Karali, Nikit Abhyankar, Nihar Shah, and Ari Darmawan Pasek."Accelerating the Transition to More Energy Efficient Air Conditioners in Indonesia."
Letschert, Virginie E, Nihar Shah, Won Young Park, Nihan Karali, Ambereen Shaffie, Sarah K Price, Nikit Abhyankar, Ari Darmawan Pasek, Edi Sartono, Hari Kusmardianto, and Andi Novianto."Accelerating Cooling Efficiency in Indonesia."
Schein, Jonah, Peter T Chan, Yuting Chen, Camilla Dunham, Heidi Fuchs, Virginie E Letschert, Michael A McNeil, Moya Melody, Sarah K Price, Hannah Stratton, and Alison A Williams."Methodology for the National Water Savings and Spreadsheet: Indoor Residential and Commercial/Institutional Products, and Outdoor Residential Products."The International Water Association Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Water