Publications by Research Area
X Author: Tengfang T Xu
Gao, Yafeng, Jiangmin Xu, Shichao Yang, Xiaomin Tang, Quan Zhou, Jing Ge, Tengfang T Xu, and Ronnen M Levinson."Cool Roofs in China: Policy Review, Building Simulations, and Proof-Of-Concept Experiments."Energy Policy
74 (2014) 190-214. DOI
Karali, Nihan, Tengfang T Xu, and Jayant A Sathaye."Developing long-term strategies to reduce energy use and CO2 emissions—analysis of three mitigation scenarios for iron and steel production in China."Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
(2014). DOI
Morrow III, William R, John Marano, Jayant A Sathaye, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Tengfang T Xu."Energy Efficiency Improvements Potential in the U.S. Petroleum Refining Industry."2014 ECEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry
Karali, Nihan, Tengfang T Xu, and Jayant A Sathaye."U.S Iron and Steel Sector and Potential Trading With China and India: Analysis with ISEEM Energy Model."37th IAEE International Conference Proceedings, International Association for Energy Economics
Xu, Tengfang T, Nihan Karali, and Jayant A Sathaye."Undertaking high impact strategies: The role of national efficiency measures in long-term energy and emission reduction in steel making."Applied Energy
122 (2014) 179-188. DOI
Karali, Nihan, Tengfang T Xu, and Jayant A Sathaye."Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions by energy efficiency measures and international trading: A bottom-up modeling for the U.S. iron and steel sector."Applied Energy
120 (2014) 133-146. DOI
Morrow III, William R, John Marano, Jayant A Sathaye, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Tengfang T Xu."Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement in the United States Petroleum Refining Industry."
Karali, Nihan, Tengfang T Xu, and Jayant A Sathaye."Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options in ISEEM Global Energy Model: 2010-2050 Scenario Analysis for Least-Cost Carbon Reduction in Iron and Steel Sector."
Morrow III, William R, Tengfang T Xu, Ali Hasanbeigi, and Jayant A Sathaye."Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in India's Cement Industry."
Hasanbeigi, Ali, William R Morrow III, Eric R Masanet, Jayant A Sathaye, and Tengfang T Xu."Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in the Cement Industry in China."
Hasanbeigi, Ali, William R Morrow III, Jayant A Sathaye, Eric R Masanet, and Tengfang T Xu."Assessment of Energy Efficiency Improvement and CO2 Emission Reduction Potentials in the Iron and Steel Industry in China."
Xu, Tengfang T, Joris Flapper, Jing Ke, Klaas Jan Kramer, and Jayant A Sathaye."Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program Development of a Computer-based Benchmarking and Analytical Tool: Benchmarking and Energy & Water Savings Tool in Dairy Plants (BEST-Dairy)."
Xu, Tengfang T, Joris Flapper, Jing Ke, Klaas Jan Kramer, and Jayant A Sathaye."Development of a Computer-based Benchmarking and Analytical Tool: Benchmarking and Energy & Water Savings Tool in Dairy Plants (BEST-Dairy)."
Xu, Tengfang T, Jayant A Sathaye, and Klaas Jan Kramer."Bottom-up Representation of Industrial Energy Efficiency Technologies in Integrated Assessment Models for the U.S. Pulp and Paper Sector."
Karali, Nihan, Tengfang T Xu, and Jayant A Sathaye."Industrial Sector Energy Efficiency Modeling (ISEEM) Framework Documentation."
Akbari, Hashem, Tengfang T Xu, Haider Taha, Craig P Wray, and Jayant A Sathaye."Using Cool Roofs to Reduce Energy Use, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Urban Heat-island Effects."
Xu, Tengfang T, Jing Ke, and Jayant A Sathaye."User's Manual for BEST-Dairy: Benchmarking and Energy/water-Saving Tool (BEST) for the Dairy Processing Industry (Version 1.2)."
Xu, Tengfang T, Jan Willem Slaa, and Jayant A Sathaye."Developing Information on Energy Savings and Associated Costs and Benefits of Energy Efficient Emerging Technologies Applicable in California."
Xu, Tengfang T, Jan Willem Slaa, and Jayant A Sathaye."Characterizing Costs, Savings and Benefits of a Selection of Energy Efficient Emerging Technologies in the United States."
Sathaye, Jayant A, Tengfang T Xu, and Christina Galitsky."Bottom-up Representation of Industrial Energy Efficiency Technologies in Integrated Assessment Models for the Cement Sector."
Xu, Tengfang T, Jayant A Sathaye, and Christina Galitsky."Development of Bottom-up Representation of Industrial Energy Efficiency Technologies in Integrated Assessment Models for the Iron and Steel Sector."
Xu, Tengfang T, Chuang Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Mark D Levine."U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Assistance to Beichuan Reconstruction: Creating and Designing Low- to Zero-carbon Communities in New Beichuan, Sichuan Province."
Xu, Tengfang T, Chuang Wang, Tianzhen Hong, and Mark D Levine."US Department of Energy (DOE) Technical Assistance to Beichuan Reconstruction: Creating and Designing Low- to Zero-carbon Communities in New Beichuan, Sichuan Province."