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Worrell, Ernst, and Lynn K. Price."Potential impacts of energy efficiency policies in the U.S. industry: Results from the clean energy futures study."ACEEE's 2001 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry Proceedings, 7/24/2001 2 (2001).
Einstein, , Dan, Ernst Worrell, and Marta Khrushch."Steam systems in industry: Energy use and energy efficiency improvement potentials."ACEEE's 2001 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry Proceedings 1 (2001).
Worrell, Ernst."Manufacturing."Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy 1 (2001).
Price, Lynn K., Ernst Worrell, Jonathan E. Sinton, and Jiang Yun."Industrial energy efficiency policy in China."2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry, 5/1/2001 2 (2001).
Banuri, Tariq, Terry Barker, Igor Bashmakov, Kornelis Blok, Daniel Bouille, and Renate Christ."Summary for policy makers."International Emissions Inventory Conference 12 (2001).
Price, Lynn K., Ernst Worrell, Jonathan E. Sinton, and Jiang Yun."Industrial Energy Efficiency Policy in China."2001 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry (2001).