Publications: Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
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Sawe, Nik, Hongyou Lu, Jeffrey Rissman, Zhiyu Tian, and Nan Zhou."Clean Industry in China: A Techno-Economic Comparison of Electrified Heat Technologies, Barriers, and Policy Options."
(2024). DOI
Kintner-Meyer, Michael, Guenter Conzelmann, Hyekyung Clarisse Kim, Nan Zhou, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Paelina DeStephano, Siddarth Durga, Amgad Elgowainy, George Giannakidis, Bruce Hamilton, Amit Kanudia, Jing Ke, Nina Khanna, Page Kyle, Virginie E Letschert, Hongyou Lu, Haewon McJeon, Timothy Reber, Daniella Rough, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Michael Westphal, and Evelyn Wright."Preliminary Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways for Five Countries: The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series – 01."The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series
(2022). DOI
Piette, Mary Ann, Richard C Diamond, Stephen E Selkowitz, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Tianzhen Hong, Kaiyu Sun, Paul A Mathew, Iain S Walker, Alan K Meier, Erik Page, Jessica Granderson, Nan Zhou, and Peter Alstone."Chapter 2: Global Opportunities and Challenges in Energy and Environmental Issues in the Buildings Sector."World Scientific Series in Current Energy Issues
(2020). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, and Yash Shukla."Energy Information Systems: From the Basement to the Boardroom."
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Mary Ann Piette, Ashok J Gadgil, Rajan Rawal, Narendra Bansal, Vishal Garg, Jyotirmay Mathur, Philip Haves, Paul A Mathew, Christian Kohler, Mahabir Bhandari, Gail Brager, Vivian Loftness, Narendran Nadarajah, Ronnen M Levinson, Richard E Brown, Andre Desjarlais, Milind Rane, Sanyogita Manu, Yash Shukla, and Mona Doctor-Pingel."R&D and Implementation Outcomes From The U.S.-India Bilateral Center For Building Energy Research And Development Program."
(2019). DOI
Singh, Reshma, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Yash Shukla, Amiya Ranjan Behera, and Michael Pitt."Packaged Scalable Energy Information Systems for Hotels."Journal of Facilities Management
16.2 (2018) 119 - 141. DOI
Iyer, Maithili, Satish Kumar, Sangeeta Mathew, Hannah Stratton, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Establishing a Commercial Buildings Energy Data Framework for India: A Comprehensive Look at Data Collection Approaches, Use Cases and Institutions."
Iyer, Maithili, Hannah Stratton, Sangeeta Mathew, Satish Kumar, Paul A Mathew, and Mohini Singh."Review of Building Data Frameworks Across Countries: Lessons for India."
Singh, Reshma, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, Rohini Srivastava, and Yash Shukla."Caring for the Energy Health of Healthcare Facilities U.S.– India Joint Center for Building Energy Research and Development (CBERD)."
Yan, Da, William O'Brien, Tianzhen Hong, Xiaohang Feng, H. H Burak Gunay, Farhang Tahmasebi, and Ardeshir Mahdavi."Occupant Behavior Modeling for Building Performance Simulation: Current State and Future Challenges."Energy and Buildings
107 (2015) 264-278. DOI
Hong, Tianzhen, Simona D'Oca, William J. N Turner, and Sarah C Taylor-Lange."An Ontology to Represent Energy-related Occupant Behavior in Buildings Part I: Introduction to the DNAs Framework."Building and Environment
92 (2015) 764-777. DOI
D'Oca, Simona, and Tianzhen Hong."Occupancy Schedules Learning Process Through a Data Mining Framework."Energy and Buildings
88 (2015) 395-408. DOI
Diamond, Richard C, and Wei Feng."Sustainability by Design: How One Building in China Could Change the World."
Rawal, Rajan, Keyur Vadodaria, Mona Galsar, Girish Ghatikar, Reshma Singh, and Diane Douglas."Collaborative research to promote energy efficiency innovation towards significant reduction in buildings energy use in the United States and India."
Basu, Chandrayee, Girish Ghatikar, and Prateek Bansal."Enabling Efficient, Responsive, and Resilient Buildings: Collaboration Between the United States and India."IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid and the New Energy Economy
Sarraf, Saket, Shilpi Anand, Yash Shukla, Paul A Mathew, and Reshma Singh."Building Energy Benchmarking in India: An Action Plan for Advancing the State-of-the-Art."
Singh, Reshma, Roozbeh Mahdavi, Paul A Mathew, Jessica Granderson, and Yash Shukla."Guidelines for Datacenter Energy Information System."
Hong, Tianzhen, Hung-Wen Lin, Wen-Kuei Chang, Liping Wang, William J. N Turner, Da Yan, Dandan Zhu, Xin Zhou, Chuang Wang, Chen Peng, and Xiaoxin Ren."Building Performance Simulation."
Hong, Tianzhen, and Hung-Wen Lin."Occupant Behavior: Impact on Energy Use of Private Offices."ASim 2012 - 1st Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association