Publications by Research Area
X Author: Gang He
Peng, Liqun, Gang He, and Jiang Lin."Role of Pumped Hydro Storage in China’s Power System Transition."
Luo, Qian, Fernando Garcia-Menendez, Jiang Lin, Gang He, and Jeremiah X Johnson."Accelerating China's power sector decarbonization can save lives: integrating public health goals into power sector planning decisions."Environmental Research Letters
18.10 (2023). DOI
Luo, Qian, Fernando Garcia-Menendez, Haozhe Yang, Ranjit Deshmukh, Gang He, Jiang Lin, and Jeremiah X Johnson."The Health and Climate Benefits of Economic Dispatch in China’s Power System."Environmental Science & Technology
57.7 (2023) 2898–2906. DOI
Lin, Jiang, Nikit Abhyankar, Gang He, Xu Liu, and Shengfei Yin."Large balancing areas and dispersed renewable investment enhance grid flexibility in a renewable-dominant power system in China."iScience
25.2 (2022). DOI
Liu, Zhu, Zhu Deng, Gang He, Hailin Wang, Xiang Zhang, Jiang Lin, Ye Qi, and Xi Liang."Challenges and opportunities for carbon neutrality in China."Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
3 (2021) 141-155.
Lin, Jiang, Nikit Abhyankar, Gang He, Xu Liu, and Shengfei Yin."Enhancing grid flexibility under scenarios of a renewable-dominant power system in China."
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Froylan Sifuentes, Xu Liu, Nikit Abhyankar, and Amol A Phadke."Rapid cost decrease of renewable energy and storage offers an opportunity to accelerate the decarbonization of China’s power system."
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Ying Zhang, Wenhua Zhang, Guilherme Larangeira, Chao Zhang, Wei Peng, Manzhi Liu, and Fuqiang Yang."Enabling a Rapid and Just Transition away from Coal in China."One Earth
3.2 (2020) 187 - 194. DOI
He, Gang, Jiang Lin, Froylan Sifuentes, Xu Liu, Nikit Abhyankar, and Amol A Phadke."Rapid cost decrease of renewables and storage accelerates the decarbonization of China’s power system."Nature Communications
11.1 (2020). DOI
Lin, Jiang, Xu Liu, and Gang He."Regional electricity demand and economic transition in China."Utilities Policy
64 (2020) 101047. DOI
Price, Lynn K, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Stephanie Ohshita, Nina Khanna, Hongyou Lu, Lixuan Hong, Gang He, John Romankiewicz, and Hu Min."Low-Carbon City Policy Databook."
Lin, Jiang, Gang He, and Alexandria Yuan."Economic Rebalancing and Electricity Demand in China."The Electricity Journal
29.3 (2016) 48 - 54. DOI
Marnay, Chris, Liping Liu, JianCheng Yu, Dong Zhang, Josh Mauzy, Brendan Shaffer, XuZhu Dong, Will Agate, Silvia Vitiello, GuoQi Ren, Cheng Yao, Xial Hong, XuDong Wang, Jia Song, TianHao Wang, Lei Wu, Jing Zhao, Nihan Karali, Gang He, Kevin Clampitt, Robert J Yinger, Han Zhu, Li Zhao, Scott Samuelsen, David Smith, Jayant Kumar, Fengshun Jiao, Dazhong Zou, Jinsong Zhang, Ming Xiao, Sheng Tang, Zhikeng Li, Xiaozhen Li, Tyler Shiqiao Yan, Limingming Zhu, and Xu Liu."White Paper on Benefit Analysis of Smart Grid Projects."
Karali, Nihan, Chris Marnay, Tyler Shiqiao Yan, Gang He, Robert J Yinger, Josh Mauzey, Kevin Clampitt, and Han Zhu."Towards uniform benefit-cost analysis for smart grid projects: an example using the Smart Grid Computational Tool."
(2015) 29 pages.
Zhou, Nan, Gang He, John Romankiewicz, David Fridley, and Cecilia Fino-Chen."A Review of Commercially Available Technologies for Developing Low-Carbon Eco-cities."
Price, Lynn K, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Stephanie Ohshita, Gang He, Hu Min, Yong Zhou, and Lixuan Hong."Promoting Energy Efficiency as the First Fuel Through Enabling Local Government Action in China."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, June 1-6, 2015
Zhou, Nan, Gang He, Christopher J Williams, and David Fridley."ELITE Cities: A Low-carbon Eco-city Evaluation Tool for China."Ecological Indicators
48 (2015) 448-456. DOI
Ohshita, Stephanie, Nan Zhou, Lynn K Price, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Lixuan Hong, Hongyou Lu, Cecilia Fino-Chen, Gang He, and Jinyue Yan."Low Carbon Development for Cities: Methods and Measures."Handbook of Clean Energy Systems
6 (2015) 1-23. DOI
Ohshita, Stephanie, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, Gang He, Lixuan Hong, and Yong Zhou."Urban form as a “first fuel” for low-carbon mobility in Chinese cities: strategies for energy and carbon saving in the transport sector."European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) Summer Study on Energy Efficiency, June 1-6, 2015
He, Gang, Nan Zhou, Lixuan Hong, David Fridley, and Yong Zhou."Is Your City Really Sustainable? A Tale of Jinan City Using Quantitative Low- Carbon Eco-city Tools." 2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Building
(2014) 119-130.
He, Gang, Nan Zhou, Christopher J Williams, and David Fridley."ELITE Cities: A low-carbon Eco-city Evaluation Tool for China."ECEEE 2013 Summer Study
Zhou, Nan, Gang He, and Christopher J Williams."China’s Development of Low- Carbon Eco-Cities and Associated Indicator Systems."
Williams, Christopher J, Nan Zhou, Gang He, and Mark D Levine."Measuring in All the Right Places: Themes in International Municipal Eco-City Index Systems."2012 ACEEE Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings