The Commercial Building Analysis Tool for Energy-Efficiency Retrofit (COMBAT) is created to facilitate policy makers, facility managers, and building retrofit practitioners to estimate commercial (public) buildings retrofit energy saving, cost and payback period. Common commercial building models area created, and the retrofit measures and their effects are pre-computed by EnergyPlus by taking different building types and measures interactions into account. The program is bilingual (English and Chinese).
- COMBAT Tool User Manual (PDF)
- COMBAT Tool Software (.zip)
The Policy Analysis Modeling System (PAMS) is an easy-to-use software tool that helps policymakers assess the benefits of standards and labeling (S&L) programs and identify the most attractive targets for appliance efficiency levels. Decision makers - including policymakers, funding agencies, and other stakeholders need to know the potential environmental and financial impacts of any S&L policy under consideration. This information is essential to prioritizing strategies that maximize benefits for both consumers and governments. Even at the initial stages of policy development, having access to comprehensive estimates of energy savings and monetary costs and benefits is critical.
- PAMS User Guide (PDF)
- PAMS Methodology (PDF)
BEST-Cities is designed to provide city authorities with strategies they can follow to reduce city-wide carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions. The tool quickly assesses local energy use and energy-related CO2 and CH4 emissions across nine sectors (i.e., industry, public and commercial buildings, residential buildings, transportation, power and heat, street lighting, water & wastewater, solid waste, and urban green space), giving officials a comprehensive perspective on their local carbon performance. Cities can also use the tool to benchmark their energy and emissions performance to other cities inside and outside China, and identify those sectors with the greatest energy saving and emissions reduction potential.
- BEST Cities Software (.zip)
The Eco and Low-carbon Indicator Tool for Evaluating Cities (ELITE Cities), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, evaluates the performance of Chinese cities by comparing them against benchmark performance goals.
- ELITE Cities Tool, English (.zip)
- ELITE Cities Tool, Chinese (.zip)
Green Resources & Energy Analysis Tool (GREAT) for Cities helps local governments to explore and identify potential energy and emission reduction opportunities and to create action plans for low carbon development. The GREAT Tool for Cities is an integrated bottom-up, energy end-use based modeling and accounting tool for tracking energy consumption, production and resource extraction in all economic sectors on a city, provincial or regional level. The model uses the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) software developed by the Stockholm Environmental Institute and includes a national average dataset on energy input parameters for residential, commercial, transport, industry and agriculture end-use sectors.
- GREAT Tool User Manual, Chinese (PDF)
- GREAT Tool Software (.zip)
The Urban-RAM modeling tool is an Excel-based macros-enabled model designed to provide a high-level breakdown of the major contributors to a city's energy and carbon footprint when measured from the point of view of the city's inhabitants.
- Urban RAM User Manual, Chinese (PDF)
- Urban RAM Software, Chinese (.zip)
- Urban RAM Software, English (.zip)
BEST-Cement is a process-based tool based on all commercially-available efficiency technologies used anywhere in the world applicable to the cement industry, designed for use in China. After benchmarking the cement plant's performance, BEST-Cement can be used to evaluate the impact of selected energy efficiency measures. BEST-Cement for China provides information on approximately 50 energy-efficiency measures that can be used in cement plants, including their cost, energy savings, simple payback time, carbon dioxide emissions reduction, etc.
EAGER Iron and Steel
Tool to calculate the the energy saving potential and cost of the energy efficiency technologies that the user chooses as applicable to their steel plants.
- Manual, English (PDF)
- Manual, Chinese (PDF)
- EAGER Iron and Steel Software, English and Chinese (.zip)
EAGER Pulp and Paper
Tool to calculate the energy saving potential and cost of the energy efficiency technologies that the user chooses as applicable to their pulp and paper plants.
EAGER Textile
Tool to calculate the energy saving potential and cost of the energy efficiency technologies that the user chooses as applicable to their textile plants.
- Manual, English (PDF)
- Manual, Chinese (PDF)
- EAGER Textile Software, English and Chinese (.zip)
This Excel-based tool serves to assist decision makers in implementing sludge-end-use-in-cement schemes with optimal economic and environmental outcomes. The SUCCESS tool is developed to be used primarily in China. However, with a slight modification in units and conversion factors as well as the General and Technical assumptions, it can be used for other countries too.
- SUCCESS Software, English (.xlsx)
- SUCCESS Software, Chinese (.xlsx)
Other Tools and Guides
In addition, ETA offers a number of other tools and guides in a variety of areas. Please visit:
- General Tools:
- Energy Analysis Tools:
- Buildings Tools and Guides:
- Industrial Applications: