Publications by Research Area
X Author: Lan Wang
Wang, Ran, Wei Feng, Lan Wang, and Shilei Lu."A comprehensive evaluation of zero energy buildings in cold regions: Actual performance and key technologies of cases from China, the US, and the European Union."Energy
215 (2021) 118992. DOI
Wang, Ran, Wei Feng, Lan Wang, and Shilei Lu."A comprehensive evaluation of zero energy buildings in cold regions: Actual performance and key technologies of cases from China, the US, and the European Union."Energy
(2020) 118992. DOI
Wang, Lan, Eric WaiMing Lee, Richard K.K Yuen, and Wei Feng."Cooling load forecasting-based predictive optimisation for chiller plants."Energy and Buildings
198 (2019) 261 - 274. DOI