Publications by Research Area
X Author: Felix Amankwah Diawuo
Diawuo, Felix Amankwah, Stephane de la Rue du Can, PC Baptista, and CA Silva."Assessing the impact of demand response on peak demand in a developing country: The case of Ghana."IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
642 (2021). DOI
Diawuo, Felix Amankwah, Marriette Sakah, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Patricia C Baptista, and Carlos A Silva."Assessment of multiple-based demand response actions for peak residential electricity reduction in Ghana."Sustainable Cities and Society
59 (2020) 102235. DOI
Sakah, Marriette, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Felix Amankwah Diawuo, Morkporkpor Delight Sedzro, and Christoph Kuhne."A study of appliance ownership and electricity consumption determinants in urban Ghanaian households."Sustainable Cities and Society
44.January 2019 (2018). DOI