Publications by Research Area
X Author: Jing Ke
Kintner-Meyer, Michael, Guenter Conzelmann, Hyekyung Clarisse Kim, Nan Zhou, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Paelina DeStephano, Siddarth Durga, Amgad Elgowainy, George Giannakidis, Bruce Hamilton, Amit Kanudia, Jing Ke, Nina Khanna, Page Kyle, Virginie E Letschert, Hongyou Lu, Haewon McJeon, Timothy Reber, Daniella Rough, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Michael Westphal, and Evelyn Wright."Preliminary Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways for Five Countries: The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series – 01."The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series
(2022). DOI
McNeil, Michael A, Wei Feng, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Nina Khanna, Jing Ke, and Nan Zhou."Energy efficiency outlook in China’s urban buildings sector through 2030."Energy Policy
97 (2016) 532 - 539. DOI
Khanna, Nina, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, and Jing Ke."Quantifying the potential impacts of China's power-sector policies on coal input and CO2 emissions through 2050: A bottom-up perspective."Utilities Policy
41 (2016) 128-138. DOI
Khanna, Nina, Nan Zhou, Jing Ke, and David Fridley."Evaluation of the Contribution of the Building Sector to PM2.5 Emissions in China."
Price, Lynn K, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Hongyou Lu, Lixuan Hong, Cecilia Fino-Chen, Jing Ke, Stephanie Ohshita, Hu Min, Yong Zhou, Stephen Hammer, and Hu Xulian."Energy-Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Policy Options: Assisting Chinese Cities in Prioritizing and Choosing Strategies to Implement to Become a Sustainable Community." American Council for An Energy-Efficient Economy 2014 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
Khanna, Nina, Nan Zhou, Jing Ke, and David Fridley."Quantifying PM2.5 Emissions from China's Building Sector and Co-Benefits of Energy Efficiency."2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Zhao, Yue, Jing Ke, Chun Chun Ni, Michael A McNeil, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, and Qiqiang Li."A Comparative Study of Energy Consumption and Efficiency of Japanese and Chinese Manufacturing Industry."Energy Policy
70 (2014) 45-56. DOI
Letschert, Virginie E, Michael A McNeil, Jing Ke, Puneeth Kalavase, and Mahesh Sampat."Energy Efficiency Potential for Distribution Transformers in the APEC Economies."
Letschert, Virginie E, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Jing Ke, and Michael A McNeil."Energy Efficiency - How Far Can We Raise the Bar? Revealing the Potential of Best Available Technologies."Energy
59 (2013) 72-82. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Lynn K Price, Cecilia Fino-Chen, Hongyou Lu, and Jing Ke."Retrospective and prospective decomposition analysis of Chinese manufacturing energy use and policy implications."Energy Policy
(2013). DOI
Ke, Jing, Lynn K Price, Michael A McNeil, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Analysis and Practices of Energy Benchmarking for Industry from the Perspective of Systems Engineering."Energy
54 (2013) 32-44. DOI
Ke, Jing, Michael A McNeil, Lynn K Price, Nina Khanna, and Nan Zhou."Estimation of CO2 Emissions from China’s Cement Production: Methodologies and Uncertainties."Energy Policy
57 (2013) 172-181.
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Michael A McNeil, Nina Khanna, Wei Feng, and Jing Ke."Quantifying the potential impact of energy efficiency and low carbon policies for China."the European Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy’s 2013 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency
Zhou, Nan, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Jing Ke, Michael A McNeil, and Mark D Levine."China's Energy and Emissions Outlook to 2050: Perspectives from Bottom-Up Energy End-Use Model."Energy Policy
53 (2013) 51-62. DOI
Hasanbeigi, Ali, Lynn K Price, Cecilia Fino-Chen, Hongyou Lu, and Jing Ke."Retrospective and Prospective Decomposition Analysis of Chinese Manufacturing Energy Use, 1995-2020."
Fridley, David, Nina Zheng, Nan Zhou, Jing Ke, Ali Hasanbeigi, William R Morrow III, Lynn K Price, and Nina Khanna."China Energy and Emissions Path to 2030."
Letschert, Virginie E, Nicholas Bojda, Jing Ke, and Michael A McNeil."Estimate of Cost-Effective Potential for Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards in 13 Major World Economies Energy Savings, Environmental and Financial Impacts."
Ke, Jing, Lynn K Price, Stephanie Ohshita, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, and Mark D Levine."China’s Industrial Energy Consumption Trends and Impacts of the Top-1000 Enterprises Energy-Saving Program and the Ten Key Energy-Saving Projects."Energy Policy
50 (2012) 562-569. DOI
Levine, Mark D, Wei Feng, Jing Ke, Tianzhen Hong, and Nan Zhou."A Retrofit Tool for Improving Energy Efficiency of Commercial Buildings."ACEEE 2012 Summer Study
Fridley, David, Nina Zheng, Nan Zhou, Jing Ke, Ali Hasanbeigi, William R Morrow III, Lynn K Price, and Nina Khanna."China Energy and Emissions Paths to 2030 (2nd Edition)."
McNeil, Michael A, Virginie E Letschert, Stephane de la Rue du Can, and Jing Ke."Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System - Methodology and Results."
Letschert, Virginie E, Louis-Benoit Desroches, Jing Ke, and Michael A McNeil."Estimate of Technical Potential for Minimum Efficiency Performance Standards in 13 Major World Economies."
McNeil, Michael A, Nicholas Bojda, Won Young Park, Mo Zhou, Jing Ke, and Jun Young Choi."Business Case for Energy Efficiency in Support of Climate Change Mitigation, Economic and Societal Benefits in the Republic of Korea."