Publications by Research Area
Letschert, Virginie E, Brian F Gerke, Michael A McNeil, Thomas Tu, Brian Dean, Edi Sartono, Jaya Rajasa, and Chad Gallinat."Baseline Evaluation and Policy Implications for Air Conditioners in Indonesia."9th International Conference On Energy Efficiency In Domestic Appliances and Lighting
Nordman, Bruce, Aditya Khandekar, Michael Spears, and Mattia Pezzola."A Simulation of Local Power Distribution Control Strategies."2017 IEEE Second International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM)
(2017). DOI
Kohler, Christian, Yash Shukla, and Rajan Rawal."Calculating the Effect of External Shading on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Windows."Building Simulation 2017
Parker, Andrew, Philip Haves, Subhash Jegi, Vishal Garg, and Baptiste Ravache."Development of Automated Procedures to Generate Reference Building Models for ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and India’s Building Energy Code and Implementation in OpenStudio."Building Simulation 2017
Park, Won Young, and Amol A Phadke."Adoption of energy-efficient televisions for expanded off-grid electricity service."Development Engineering
2 (2017). DOI
Springer, Cecilia, and Ali Hasanbeigi."Emerging Energy Efficiency and Carbon Dioxide Emissions-Reduction Technologies for the Glass Industry."
Shah, Nihar, Nina Khanna, Nihan Karali, Won Young Park, Yi Qu, and Nan Zhou."Opportunities for Simultaneous Efficiency Improvement and Refrigerant Transition in Air Conditioning."
Yang, Li, Min Hu, Jingjing Zhang, Stephanie A Siehr, David Fridley, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, Shuang Li, Lingyan Chen, Ang Li, Miao Sun, and Yanhui Wang."2015 China Green Low-Carbon City scorecard."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
McNeil, Michael A, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Philipp Munzinger, Noah Horowitz, Marie Baton, Jeremy Tait, and et al."Accelerating the Global Adoption of Climate-Friendly and Energy-Efficient Refrigerators."U4E Policy Guide Series
Shah, Nihar, Dietram Oppelt, Ana Maria Carreno, and Nicole Kearney."Accelerating the Global Adoption of Energy-Efficient and Climate-Friendly Air Conditioners."U4E Policy Guide Series
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, David Pudleiner, David Jones, and Aleisha Khan."Energy Efficiency Roadmap for Uganda, Making Energy Efficiency Count."
Palchak, David, Jaquelin Cochran, Ranjit Deshmukh, Ali Ehlen, Sushil Kumar Soonee, S.R Narasimhan, Mohit Joshi, Brendan McBennett, Michael Milligan, Priya Sreedharan, Ilya Chernyakhovskiy, and Nikit Abhyankar."GREENING THE GRID: Pathways to Integrate 175 Gigawatts of Renewable Energy into India’s Electric Grid, Vol. I—National Study."Greening the Grid
1 (2017).
Palchak, David, Jaquelin Cochran, Ranjit Deshmukh, Ali Ehlen, Sushil Kumar Soonee, S.R Narasimhan, Mohit Joshi, Brendan McBennett, Michael Milligan, Priya Sreedharan, Ilya Chernyakhovskiy, and Nikit Abhyankar."GREENING THE GRID: Pathways to Integrate 175 Gigawatts of Renewable Energy into India’s Electric Grid, Vol. I—National Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY."Greening the Grid
1 (2017).
Karali, Nihan, Won Young Park, and Michael A McNeil."Modeling Technological Change and Its Impact on Energy Savings in the U.S. Iron and Steel Sector."Applied Energy
202.September 15, 2017 (2017). DOI
Ohshita, Stephanie, Jingjing Zhang, Li Yang, Min Hu, Nina Khanna, David Fridley, Shuang Liu, Ang Li, Miao Sun, and Nan Zhou."China Green Low-Carbon City Index."
Khanna, Nina, David Fridley, Nan Zhou, Nihan Karali, Jingjing Zhang, and Wei Feng."China’s Trajectories beyond Efficiency: CO2 Implications of Maximizing Electrification and Renewable Resources through 2050."ECEEE Summer Study 2017. Presqu'ile Giens, Hyeres France, 2017
Feng, Wei, Xiwang Li, Carolyn Szum, Nan Zhou, Michael Bendewald, Zihe Meng, and Yani Zeng."From Prescriptive to Outcome-Based — The Evolution of Building Energy Codes and Standards in China."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Schlein, Bruce, Carolyn Szum, Nan Zhou, Jing Ge, and Helen He."Lessons from Europe, North America, and Asia: Financing Models that are Facilitating Building Energy Efficiency at Scale."ECEEE 2017
Szum, Carolyn, Nan Zhou, Sara Lisauskas, Madeline Frieze, Xi Chen, and Zhiming Pan."Lessons from the United States and China for Increasing Transparency and Harmonizing Measurement and Verification Practices in the Buildings Sector."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Zhou, Nan, and Nina Khanna."Lessons Learned from International Energy Labelling Programs for Strengthening the China Energy Label Program."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Sheppard, Colin, Rashid Waraich, Anand R Gopal, Andrew Campbell, and Alexei Pozdnukov."Modeling plug-in electric vehicle charging demand with BEAM, the framework for behavior energy autonomy mobility."
Price, Lynn K, Nina Khanna, Nan Zhou, David Fridley, Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu, and Wei Feng."Reinventing Fire: China – the Role of Energy Efficiency in China’s Roadmap to 2050."ECEEE Summer Study 2017
Abhyankar, Nikit, Anand R Gopal, Colin Sheppard, Won Young Park, and Amol A Phadke."Techno-Economic Assessment of Deep Electrification of Passenger Vehicles in India."
Rojas-Cardenas, Jose C, Ali Hasanbeigi, Claudia Sheinbaum, and Lynn K Price."Energy Efficiency in the Mexican Iron and Steel Industry from an International Perspective."Journal of Cleaner Production