Publications: Africa
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Szum, Carolyn, Mohamed Firas Jemal, Ezzedine Khalfallah, and Stephane de la Rue du Can."Clean Energy Revolving Loan Funds: International Experience."
Yen, Yu-Chieh J, Ken Nixon, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Theo Covary, Jim Lutz, and Marcus Dekenah."Residential Water Heating Demand Side Management (DSM) - South Africa."
Xhafa, Ingrid, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Cindy Nkwanzi, Abdeel Kyezira, Ronald M Tumwesigye, and Maria Namale."Survey on Efficient and Productive Use of Electricity in Women-Run Small Businesses in Uganda."
Covary, Theo, and Stephane de la Rue du Can."SOUTH AFRICA: ENERGY EFFICIENCY DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE (2004–2022)."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Shreya Agarwal, Virginie E Letschert, and Ezzedine Khalfallah."Tunisia Air Conditioner Market Assessment."
Zhou, Ella, Sika Gadzanku, Cabell Hodge, Mike Campton, Stephane de la Rue du Can, and Jingjing Zhang."Best Practices in Electricity Load Modeling and Forecasting for Long-Term Power System Planning."
Letschert, Virginie E, Shreya Agarwal, Stephane de la Rue du Can, and Won Young Park."Cost-Benefit Analysis for Air Conditioner in Tunisia."
Kintner-Meyer, Michael, Guenter Conzelmann, Hyekyung Clarisse Kim, Nan Zhou, Juan Pablo Carvallo, Paelina DeStephano, Siddarth Durga, Amgad Elgowainy, George Giannakidis, Bruce Hamilton, Amit Kanudia, Jing Ke, Nina Khanna, Page Kyle, Virginie E Letschert, Hongyou Lu, Haewon McJeon, Timothy Reber, Daniella Rough, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Michael Westphal, and Evelyn Wright."Preliminary Analysis of Decarbonization Pathways for Five Countries: The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series – 01."The Net Zero World Initiative Report Series
(2022). DOI
Shaffie, Ambereen, Nihar Shah, Nihan Karali, Won Young Park, Moustafa Al-Sammany, Brian Holuj, and Leon Becker."Cooling Egypt: Cost and benefits of room air conditioner efficiency improvement in Egypt."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Virginie E Letschert, Shreya Agarwal, Won Young Park, and Usamah Kaggwa."Energy efficiency improves energy access affordability."Energy for Sustainable Development
70 (2022). DOI
Letschert, Virginie E, Shreya Agarwal, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Won Young Park, and Usamah Kaggwa."Cost-Benefit Analysis for Energy Efficient Refrigerators and Freezers in Uganda."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Shreya Agarwal, Virginie E Letschert, and Usamah Kaggwa."Implementation Strategy - Efficiency Standards and Labeling Programs in Uganda."
Park, Won Young, Nihar Shah, Patrick Blake, and Madeleine Edl."Technical Note on Quality and Performance Metrics of Cooling Products for East African Community (EAC) and Southern African Development Community (SADC)."
Diawuo, Felix Amankwah, Stephane de la Rue du Can, PC Baptista, and CA Silva."Assessing the impact of demand response on peak demand in a developing country: The case of Ghana."IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
642 (2021). DOI
Diawuo, Felix Amankwah, Marriette Sakah, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Patricia C Baptista, and Carlos A Silva."Assessment of multiple-based demand response actions for peak residential electricity reduction in Ghana."Sustainable Cities and Society
59 (2020) 102235. DOI
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, Lethabo Thaba, Charlie Heaps, Resmun Moonsamy, Theo Covary, and Michael A McNeil."South Africa’s Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling Program."
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, David Pudleiner, and Katrina Pielli."Energy efficiency as a means to expand energy access: A Uganda roadmap."Energy Policy
120.September 2018 (2018). DOI
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, and Michael A McNeil."South Africa: Energy Savings Estimates from New Standard and Labeling Program Policy Brief."
Sakah, Marriette, Stephane de la Rue du Can, Felix Amankwah Diawuo, Morkporkpor Delight Sedzro, and Christoph Kuhne."A study of appliance ownership and electricity consumption determinants in urban Ghanaian households."Sustainable Cities and Society
44.January 2019 (2018). DOI
de la Rue du Can, Stephane, David Pudleiner, David Jones, and Aleisha Khan."Energy Efficiency Roadmap for Uganda, Making Energy Efficiency Count."
Wu, Grace, Ranjit Deshmukh, Kudakwashe Ndhlukula, Tijana Radojicic, and Jessica Reilly."Renewable Energy Zones for the Africa Clean Energy Corridor."
McNeil, Michael A, Theo Covary, and John Vermeulen."Water Heater Technical Study to Improve MEPS – South Africa."8th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting